Group 99 Project Meeting

Meeting Minutes #2

October 31, 2005 | 10AM - 12PM

List of Attendance



Opening Remarks

Although the amount of work has been minimal in the past weeks, please be aware that the coming weeks will be comparatively more difficult.
This is a small reminder to be prepared and not be caught off gaurd.

Have a happy Halloween!

Comments, Questions, and Concerns

High Importance: Need to assign new team leader #2 because Erickson has decided to drop the project
Medium Importance: Resolve potential schedule conflicts between Alex and Bilal that were brought up last meeting
Low Importance: Matthew expressed interest in a social gathering (offline/online) to boost team morale and connection

Summary of Agenda

Last Meeting

  1. Initial greetings and socializing
  2. Plan out schedule for the coming weeks
  3. Meet with teacher assistant

Today's Meeting

  1. Discuss potential project ideas
  2. Discuss potential roles within project
  3. Address comments, questions, and concerns brought up

Potential Project Topics

A.I. Chatbot

An idea brought up by Ander was a retrieval-based chatbot that would assist users of the university website.
In theory, the user would enter a prompt and a response would be generated either answering their question or redirecting them to another part of the website.
Furthermore, it would allow for things that would otherwise need a phone call to be automated by the bot.

Chatbot Overview:

Retreival Based Chatbot

Class Recommendation System

An idea brought up by Angel was a system that would recommend classes based on the classes you have already taken.
Ideally, there would be customizability for the user to specify which classes to include/exclude, tags for certain topics, average hours per week, average grade received, etc.

Role Assignment Audio Recording

Role Assignment Video Recording